WE BELIEVE! The Spartan Alliance band family consists of the students, directors, staff, alumni, and parents of the Homestead Spartan Alliance Band. A group the size of the Spartan Alliance requires your support to run smoothly. We couldn't accomplish everything we do without the help of our parents. We rely on our band parents to fill many vital volunteer roles throughout the year. Parents and families support the band through concessions, various committees, fundraisers, competition day activities and much more. WE BELIEVE in offering our full support to our students, both behind the scenes and as we sit in a sea of blue to cheer them on to a brilliant performance.
SACS VOLUNTEER POLICY Volunteers ages 18 and over must have a SACS background check on file, and have completed Bully Prevention Training prior to volunteering for any SACS events. Background checks are valid for three years and Bully Prevention Training needs to be completed one time only. SACS Background Form Bully Prevention video Please contact the Band Manager to be connected with any of our parent opportunities, [email protected] VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIESThe success of our program heavily depends on the support of parent volunteers. The rich tradition we enjoy within the Spartan Alliance wouldn’t exist without commitment and dedication from parents providing their time, effort, and expertise to support the band.
Many of our parent volunteers have become great friends through serving on a band committee! It is a wonderful way to connect with other parents and enjoy the experience alongside your teen. There are two types of volunteering within the band: Parent Volunteer Groups, and Signature Events.
SIGNATURE EVENTS - “All Hands on Deck” Required
Program participation fees only cover about 50% of the budget to design and produce our award-winning productions each year. The remaining funds come from several key fundraisers which require participation from all students and parents.
CARWASH Each August, parents work alongside the students to wash cars, dry towels, and act as site coordinators during this annual fundraiser. Students are required to sign up for a shift, and can earn funds toward the cost of their own fees through this fundraiser. Participation is expected and tracked by student. JOHNNY APPLESEED CHICKEN & DUMPLINGS TENT This is our biggest fundraiser of the year! This community event is held the third weekend in September at the Johnny Appleseed Festival. From Thursday through Sunday, hundreds of parent volunteers are needed to prepare veggies and dough, set-up the fire pits and tent at the festival site, roll dumplings, cook, serve, clean up, and tear-down the booth. Students are required to work a portion of the event as a performance grade. Participation is expected from EVERYONE and is tracked by student. HOMESTEAD FALL FESTIVAL OF BANDS Homestead Fall Festival of Bands is our marching band invitational competition. This is another “everyone helps” event, as many parent volunteers are needed to work 3 to 4 hour shifts to host visiting bands, run concessions, sell and take tickets, direct guests, prep and serve food for the hospitality room, host the judges luncheon, work at water stations, and more. Pit Crew members direct traffic, assist patrons, and help bands with equipment and prop staging. ISSMA SCHOLASTIC AND OPEN CONTEST Homestead hosts an ISSMA Scholastic State Prelims and Open Competition. This event is an official ISSMA event and we supply volunteers to help the event run smoothly. Pit Crew members help to direct all bands with equipment and prop staging. Volunteers are needed to run concessions, sell and take tickets, help direct guests, and more. ATHLETIC CONCESSIONS SACS Music Boosters is responsible for staffing the seven concession stands for approximately 215 high school and middle school athletic events throughout the entire school year. Band, Choir, Dance, Orchestra, and Guard parents all work concessions throughout the year. Funds earned by working concessions events go straight back to the band as a donation from Music Boosters. As the largest performing arts group on campus, Band is responsible for working a majority of the athletic concessions shifts. Every family within the band is expected to work a minimum of 4 concessions shifts, in addition to any other volunteering done on behalf of the band. Getting your “family four shifts” in is easy to do, as these shifts are available throughout the entire school year. Participation is expected and tracked by family. We use Sign Up Genius and will share links to sign up for all volunteer needs. Thank you for helping support your student through volunteering with the band! Please contact the Band Manager to be connected with any of our parent opportunities, [email protected] |